Branding | Logo | Packaging | Stationary | Application
Photoshop | Illustrator
Brew Burst Brewery, nestled in the heart of Vancouver, offers a captivating trio of flavors crafted to elevate your beer experience. Our lineup features the invigorating "Sunset Citrus Shandy," the indulgent "Mystic Maple Stout," and the bold "Oceanic Hops" IPA, each sip capturing the essence of the Pacific Northwest. With Brew Burst, embark on a taste journey celebrating Vancouver's diverse and vibrant spirit.

The design ethos behind the Burst Brew logo revolves around embracing the brand's bold, fun, and trippy essence, with the letter "B" cleverly integrated as the focal point. Its black-and-white scheme ensures versatility across packaging colors while maximizing visibility, complemented by the energetic "Euphoria Party" font, instantly captivating consumers. The color palette is meticulously chosen to reflect the brand's essence and flavors, with black and white signifying elegance and clarity, yellow representing citrus zest, red embodying maple richness, and blue evoking oceanic tranquility, harmonizing into a visually compelling identity resonating with each flavor. Typography design emphasizes a bold and trippy vibe, as seen in the "Euphoria Party" logo, while the "Noto Sans" typeface ensures legibility and consistency across all text elements, maintaining a cohesive visual identity.


